Colombia Decaf FTO Women's Coop - Pineapple * Toffee * Marshmallow

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Size 10 oz
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This decaf fair trade organic coffee comes to us from a group of women producers: Asociación de Mujeres Caficultoras del Cauca. Imported by Royal Coffee, this coffee is comprised of lots that the Royal team selected based on cup profile and the potential to express beautifully once decaffeinated using the water process. There is a lot to love about this coffee and we think decaf and non decaf drinkers alike will appreciate the flavor profile here. We've been enjoying this coffee as an espresso paired with a bit of oat milk but our pour over brews have been equally delicious. Grab a bag for those afternoon and evening coffees or if you are trying to cut back on caffeine but still want the experience of drinking a delicious coffee.

General brewing ratios

Some general rules of thumb to get you started. Interested in learning more? Click "Brew Guides" below and come find us in the weeds.